Tag Archives: basics

Basics: What’s that star after the word Trans* mean?

Basics: What’s that star after the word Trans* mean?

This asterisk after the word trans is used to denote the wider transgender umbrella of identifications. These may or may not be people who would call themselves transgender. So for example, and not limited to, the following identities: Trans man Trans woman Transexual Transvestite Genderqueer Gender fluid Non-binary Genderless Third gender Two spirit Drag King’s… Read more

Basics: What does the word Queer mean?

Basics: What does the word Queer mean?

The history of the word queer is both generational and geographical – it used to be a common insult hurled at LGBT people from the 1960s to the 1990s. In very limited ways is still an insult to this day depending on where you are and who you are talking to. The word has been reclaimed by a… Read more

Basics: What Transitioning Is And Is Not

Basics: What Transitioning Is And Is Not

Transitioning is a complicate thing. It looks different for everyone. Transitioning is many things and it’s not many things. Below are some handy-dandy lists detailing the basics of what transitioning is and is not, followed by a brief outline of how transitioning looks for me. Read more

Basics: What does Trans or Transgender mean?

Basics: What does Trans or Transgender mean?

In literal terms trans is a Latin prefix meaning “across or beyond.” If someone is transgender it means that their gender is not the same as the sex they were assigned at birth. Gender and sex are very different, see ‘What’s the difference between Sex and Gender?’ if you are unclear on this. You can… Read more

Basics: What is the difference between sex and gender?

Basics: What is the difference between sex and gender?

Sex is what you were assigned at birth, this is typically male or female, but it could also be intersex. Another way of referring to this is the ‘sex of the body.’ AFAB is ‘assigned female at birth’ and AMAB is ‘assigned male at birth’. Gender is a social construct of our times. For example,… Read more

Basics – The Series – Feedback Please

Basics – The Series – Feedback Please

Here’s something that I’ve had on my mind for a while. I know we don’t have a lot of readers yet on TransCanuck – this is a long term project – but I’d like your feedback on a series that I want to do: Covering the basics of being Trans/Queer. Subjects like: What is Trans?… Read more

Basics: What does cis or cisgender mean?

Basics: What does cis or cisgender mean?

I’ve heard this question asked a few times this year, almost exclusively from cis folks who are not up on modern gender language, so here is a few simple facts about the word cis: How do I say it? Via the dictionary – ‘cis·gen·der’ – pronounced ‘sisˈjendər’ – adjective – denoting or relating to a person whose… Read more