Female geek, author and blogger. Non-cis, non-straight, non-single, non-asshat.

Author Archives: Marcy Cook

The Good, Bad & Ugly of Occupotty

The Good, Bad & Ugly of Occupotty

I’ve always been on the edge of acceptability. When I was young and pretending to be cisgender I was bullied and it pushed me into the world of computer and console gaming where I could shut out a lot of my life. Thank you ZX Spectrum 48k, your bouncy rubber keyboard helped me a lot.… Read more

Eddie Redmayne And Hollywood’s Cis Problem

Eddie Redmayne And Hollywood’s Cis Problem

Who you cast is a representation of the story you want to tell. The body personifies how someone speaks, how they move, and the facial expressions they make – all of which becomes the vehicle for conveying the story. So the act of casting is very important, and only gets more important when the story to… Read more

Canada Fails on Equal Rights Again

Canada Fails on Equal Rights Again

Senator Don Plett, you don’t know me but I suspect we have a few things in common. At the most basic level we are of course both humans, we are also Canadian citizens and happen to both be married. My wife was born in Manitoba, just outside Winnipeg, and in my travels around her homeland… Read more

How Transparent Lost Transgender Trust

How Transparent Lost Transgender Trust

How Transparent Lost the Trust of the Transgender Community   I was one of the people that was not happy with all the mainstream media attention the show Transparent received, especially after the Golden Globes. The speeches were good, and the show genuinely does have it’s heart in the right place, as does the main… Read more

10 rules for making a transgender superhero

10 rules for making a transgender superhero

I started this article originally to write about transgender superheroes in comics but that proved much more difficult than I first thought it would be. For a start there are, in my opinion, no transgender superheroes in a mainstream comic universe. You can find a list of DC trans characters here, and Marvel characters here. Those who used to… Read more

2014 State of the Transgender Nation

2014 State of the Transgender Nation

This article was originally published on The Mary Sue, I’ve kept Sam Maggs’ edits and I hope she’s fine with that. When I hear some positive trans news I have an instinctive mental flinch. It’s rare when news about trans issues is unabashedly positive, I wait for the insensitivity or outright attacks to start. Even… Read more

Basics: What’s that star after the word Trans* mean?

Basics: What’s that star after the word Trans* mean?

This asterisk after the word trans is used to denote the wider transgender umbrella of identifications. These may or may not be people who would call themselves transgender. So for example, and not limited to, the following identities: Trans man Trans woman Transexual Transvestite Genderqueer Gender fluid Non-binary Genderless Third gender Two spirit Drag King’s… Read more

Basics: What does the word Queer mean?

Basics: What does the word Queer mean?

The history of the word queer is both generational and geographical – it used to be a common insult hurled at LGBT people from the 1960s to the 1990s. In very limited ways is still an insult to this day depending on where you are and who you are talking to. The word has been reclaimed by a… Read more