Even though TransCanuck’s main focus is the Canadian perspective, we want to give a voice to everyone. You can make your voice heard in our forums.
Not only are our forums a place for you to share your voice, but it’s also a place to find community. We would love for our forums to be a place of support. So, please, tell your friends.
Finding the forums is easy. Currently, they are a little bare. That is where you come in. We would love to hear your suggestions for different forum groups and topics. Also of note, you can subscribe to each individual forum and topic via RSS. You should see a subscribe link at the end of the forum breadcrumbs.
To participate in the forums, you need to register and activate your account. After filling out the registration form, you should receive an activation key by email. Once you’ve received that email, enter the key on our activation page. If you do not receive your key within five minutes, please check your spam folder. If the email is not there, then send us an email that includes your username.
Once you’ve activated your account, you’ll have a number of tools at your disposal, including the ability to make friends, send private messages to other members, and invite others to become a member of the community.
Before commenting in the forums, please read our commenting policy.
If you notice that anything isn’t working properly, please let us know by sending me an email directly, as I’m the site developer.
We hope to hear your voices and your suggestions soon!
Just a note, we may use some of your stories for future posts. But, don’t worry. We will get your permission before doing so.
Forums are the result of a reader’s request. If there is something you’d like to see on TransCanuck, please let us know and we’ll see what we can do!
How come nobody ever told me about Kittening? I just updated some very interesting comments on my mental health blog.. 🙂
Sounds like a smaller version of a puppy pile.