News for Week 26 – 2014

Here’s the new roundup, as usual this is in no particular order. If you think something really important is missing please add it in the comments below, thanks.


Two more trans women killed this week in the USA, Yaz’min Shancez and Tiffany Edwards. I think that’s 104 trans murders so far in 2014.

“Trans women of color remain the most brutally marginalized group in the entire trans and LGBT spectrum. This is why black activists do what they have to do — it’s a matter of survival.”

Source: Lexie Cannes State of Trans


Seattle’s The Stranger, devotes the entire Pride issue to trans people, it also includes these articles:

  1. Queer Issue 2014: How to Make Sure We Don’t Leave Trans People Behindby DOMINIC HOLDEN
  2. How to Stop the Stupid Debate About Taxpayer Dollars Funding “Sex Change” Surgeries by DANIELLE ASKINI
  3. How to Stop Thinking All Trans People Are the Same by KAI M. GREEN
  4. Pride Calendar! A Comprehensive Guide to Every Party, Parade, Bar Night, and Pancake Breakfast by ADRIAN RYAN
  5. How to Have Sex with a Trans Person by TOBI HILL-MEYER
  6. How to Date a Trans Person by TOBI HILL-MEYER
  7. How to Make Seattle Better for Trans People by CIENNA MADRID
  8. About the Word “Tranny” by MX JUSTIN VIVIAN BOND
  9. I Am the Best Feminist, for I Am Dating a Trans Woman by ASH STEWART
  10. How to Treat Trans Sex Workers with Respect by ANNA MINARD
  11. How Zackary Drucker Photographs Trans People—Including Herself by KELLY O
  12. CeCe McDonald on Being in Prison, Laverne Cox, and Gay Men Taking Women Seriously by DOMINIC HOLDEN
  13. What Mac S. McGregor Thinks by DAVID SCHMADER
  14. Interview with Janet Mock About Transgender Issues, Piers Morgan, the T-Word, and Questions She’s Tired Of by DOMINIC HOLDEN
  15. What Clyde Petersen Wants to Say by DAVID SCHMADER
  16. How to Photograph a Trans Man by KELLY O


Obama uses his executive powers to create transgender rights in the United States

“The latest wins came this month, when the Office of Personnel Management announced that government-contracted health insurers could start covering the cost of gender reassignment surgeries for federal employees, retirees and their survivors, ending a 40-year prohibition. Two weeks earlier, a decades-old rule preventing Medicare from financing such procedures was overturned within the Department of Health and Human Services.”

Source: Yahoo News


Transgender activist Zoraida Reyes was buried this week, she was murdered in Orange County California. “

“Reyes’ death was a blow to the immigrant Latina transgender community, Salcedo said, because most of them shy away from publicly discussing the issues that affect them.

“Many of us aren’t visible,” Salcedo said. “Zoraida was one of those transgender individuals who are part of the movement and work hard to bring our struggles to the forefront.””

Source: LA Times


Vancouver School Board Adopts Progressive Transgender Policy

“… voted for a new transgender policy that allows students to choose a name that best represents their gender identity. They have also enacted a policy for single-stall, genderless washrooms. On top of that, the VSB has introduced gender-neutral pronouns: xe (third person), xem (plural), and xyr (possessive) for students who do not identify with traditional gender roles.

This policy is ultimately an extension of the 2004 ACB policy that promises students a safe learning environment regardless of sexual orientation or gender placement (or uncertainty thereof).”

Source: Vice News

Female geek, author and blogger. Non-cis, non-straight, non-single, non-asshat.



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